To enable the Rio del Mar After School Program to continue running, we are asking families who use the program to contribute $150 per trimester per student. This is a total of $450 per student for the entire school year. You can pay all at once or in installments by trimester. Without the financial support of families, we will not be able to continue running the program in its current form. Our suggested contribution is $150 per trimester, but donations of any amount are appreciated. Please make checks payable to Rio del Mar Elementary.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Piano Enrichment Class Enrollment

These ten students will be attending the Piano Class on Thursdays from December 6 - February 28th. The classes run from 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. in the library.There will be another class starting soon after the Winter Break.
1. Kourash S.-paid
2. Maria D.-paid
3. Trevor F.-paid
4. McKenna M.-paid
5. Sachi L.-paid
6. Isabelle I.-paid
7. Tatiana I. - paid
8. Ethan A.paid
9. Luke H.-paid
10.Madison G.-paid

Next Class TBA
1. Daniel M - Paid
2. Joshua M. - Paid
3. Ryan F.-Paid
4. McKenna P.
5. Alistar V.- paid
6. Giselle L. - paid
7. Josephine L. - paid
8. Wells D.-paid
9. Kianna R.
10. Kassandra H.-paid

Third Class
2. Daniel F. -
3. Kyle H.
4. Savannah

Monday, October 22, 2007


Dear Parents,
After the state funding allocations for our hourly program were released and the district came up with their budget for our program, our site's budget was CUT by one third. Furthermore, the governor will be cutting over 4 billion dollars for education which will result in a 10% cut in our district. This is disappointing but I have done everything possible to make cuts without losing our Monday - Thursday program. As a result, we will need to make a couple adjustments to meet our new budget. First, we will have charge a small fee for some of the enrichment classes that we provide. For example, Guitar, Drumming, Ceramics, Introduction to Theater, and Piano. In addition, we will need to ask for a donation of $110 to cover the second half of the year starting in January. Thank you for your understanding and support for this valuable program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Martin Sweet
After School Coordinator
4th Grade Teacher

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ceramics Enrichment August 30, Through November 1st

Ceramics Student Enrollment:
1. Griffin D.
2. Bianca + Caitlin J.
4. Joseph K.
5. Giselle L.
6. Hunter G.
7. Josephine L.
8. Austin E.
9. Maria D.
10. Amanda M.
11. Alex + Melissa T.
13. Allistar V.
14. Elizabeth C.
15. Kass C.
16. Ruchira S.
17. Katelin F.
18. Ben M.
19. Stephanie M.
20. Alex W.

5 slots still available!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Guitar Class List

Here are the students that will be enrolled in Mr. Sweet's guitar class that meets for 10 weeks on Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. starting August 28th:

1. Kellie M.
2. Ian C.
3. Cole W.
4. Isabel A.
5. Ryan L.
6. Ryland J.
7. Adam D.
8. Rebekah C.
9. Amy E.
10. Dante C.
11. Hana N.

These students will be on the waiting list and will automatically be enrolled in the second class that will be offered in November:
1. Haley H.
2. Jack H.
3. Thomas H.
4. Daniel M.
5. Alyna T.
6. Nick C.
7. Rachel F.
8. Joe H.
9. Rachel S.
10. Emma M.
11. Victor G.

Third Class
1. Jack Doerr
2. Jason Holm
3. Patrick Keeley
4. Alyna Tunink
5. Maria Delfino

If your child did not get into these classes, I will be offering more classes the second half of the school year.
Rock on!

Mr. Sweet

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tentative After School Schedule for 2007- 1st Trimester

Grade------- Teacher------Room #----Enrichment Class
2nd Grade.......Micchichi.........Gym
3rd Grade........Egan................Gym...........Sports
4th Grade........Dent................28..............Games/Chess
5th Grade........Kitch................11.............Acting/Improv
6th Grade........Bryant..............13.............Computers

Grade------- Teacher------Room #------Enrichment Class
2nd Grade.......Beauduin .........Gym...........Sports
3rd Grade........Egan................Gym...........Art
4th Grade........Williams.............9.............Computers
5th Grade........Dent.................28.............Dance
6th Grade........Kyle..................18
4th-6th...........Sweet................12.............Guitar 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Grade------- Teacher------Room #------Enrichment Class
2nd Grade.......Manabe. .........Gym................Sports
3rd Grade........Heffner.............21.................Games
4th Grade........Beauduin..........23.................Computers
5th Grade........Micchichi..........Gym..............Art
6th Grade........TBA..................Library
2nd – 6th.........Ibou................ Library...........Drumming...1:15 - 2:05

Grade------- Teacher------Room #------Enrichment Class
2nd Grade.......Sandman............4
3rd Grade........Egan.................Gym..............Games
4th Grade........Dent..................28.................Art
5th Grade........Borsodi..............11.................Sports
6th Grade........Kyle...................18.................Computers
4th – 6th.........Ward................ Gym...............Ceramics....3:00-4:25

Thursday, June 21, 2007

2007-2008 Program

Dear Parents,
Rio del Mar Elementary School's After School Program will begin on Monday, August 20th. Our program will run from 2:05 – 4:25 p.m. On Wednesdays the program will run until 2:05 p.m. The primary purpose of this program is to help students with homework and provide academic support and interventions for students that are falling behind grade level standards. As is the case every year, our program is based on the district's ability to fund our program. This funding/budget report will come in at the end of August. As a result, our program will either remain the same, or possibly be reduced. It has not been reduced up to this point, but it is still possible.
The program will continue to consist of an hour of tutorial/homework support. If your child completes all of their homework they will participate in an hour of enrichment activities to support student learning. Enrichment activities will consist of: Sports Leagues, Music, Guitar, Computers, Chess, Ceramics, Arts and Crafts, Actor's Theater, African Drumming, Games and more! Rio’s After School is an open enrollment program and this means that your child may come any day we are in session.

*For those students who take the bus: there will be a free after school bus that will pick up the students at 4:30 p.m.

**Please remember to pick up your child promptly each day at 4:25 p.m. After three warnings for getting picked up late, your child will be required to take the free after school bus home.

*There will be no after school program on Fridays or during Parent/Teacher Conferences in October. Snacks and drinks will be provided each day.

*When school begins, please send a donation check for $110 for each child to Rio’s After School Program to help pay for Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, enrichment staff, supplies, equipment, prizes and much more. This one time fee is a small sum compared to the hundreds of dollars you would pay at other programs. Checks should be made out to the Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance.

J Martin Sweet
Teacher/After School Coordinator – Questions? E-mail:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

GUITAR ENRICHMENT-Feb. 20th - May 1st

Rio del Mar’s After School Program will be offering a new enrichment class entitled Introduction to Guitar on Tuesdays. Mr. Sweet will be teaching this class in Room 12. This class will be free because of the generous parent donations to our program. This class will be open to the first ten 4th – 6th grade students who return this form to Mr. Sweet in Room 12 with their parent’s permission. This class has limited enrollment because teaching guitar requires a smaller class in order to maximize our time. This class is a 10–week course, so attendance each Tuesday is a requirement. Otherwise, students on the waiting list will fill-in the available slots after two absences.

• Dates – Tuesdays starting in the February 20th through May 1st.

• Times – 3:30 – 4:25 p.m.

Description – This class will be an experiential guitar class consisting of guitar fundamentals, playing chords, singing and a lot of fun. I will be sharing my experience in playing guitar and how important is to me. Sign up and you may become the future Jimi Hendrix!

These are the students who have enrolled in the class as of: February 14th, 2007
1. Gio R.
2. Nick G.
3. Chris K.
4. Amanda A.
5. Austin E.
6. Philip B.
7. Ryan H.
8. Joseph K.
9. Brandon C.
10. Lindsay T.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Theatre Exploration Enrichment Class

Rio del Mar is pleased to have Christopher Wohlters, a Spectra Artist, returning again as an after school enrichment teacher. He will be teaching a new class called Exploration of Theatre. A letter should have been sent home to the 4th - 6th graderson Thursday, February 1st. This new enrichment course will be offered as a free class due to the generous donations made by parents this year. However, this class will be offered to only 20 students who will sign up for a 10 - week class on Tuesdays starting 2/6 and going through 4/17. The first 20 students who turn in their permission slips to Room 12 will be registered in the class.
The class will be in Room 25 every Tuesday from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Students enrolled in Exploration of Theatre
1. Sophia T.
2. Eric Kirby
3. Brenton Peck
4. Coleman Hepner
5. Shante Anthony
6. Ben Romero
7. Kiannah Rocha
8. Clare Hidalgo
9. Rebecca Bell
10. Jesse Ruiz
11. Camille Sandidge
12. Sarah Cheesebourough
13. Suzy Schneider
14. Gio Russo
15. Gabriella Russo
20. 4 open slots!