To enable the Rio del Mar After School Program to continue running, we are asking families who use the program to contribute $150 per trimester per student. This is a total of $450 per student for the entire school year. You can pay all at once or in installments by trimester. Without the financial support of families, we will not be able to continue running the program in its current form. Our suggested contribution is $150 per trimester, but donations of any amount are appreciated. Please make checks payable to Rio del Mar Elementary.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rio Rock Bands 2013!

Rio del Mar has TWO new rock bands this year! A big congrats goes out to ALL students who bravely shared their skills on stage last Friday.
Friday, September 27th, Band 1 will practice at 2:10-3:15 followed by band 2 from 3:15-4:15pm next week in the cafeteria. Bring your instruments and put them on the stage in the morning. I'll tune them so we are ready to rock! Start thinking of creative band names. I will hand out the band policy form on Monday that each child will need to read, go over with their parents, sign and return. I will also give each child the songs along with the chord charts. Please add Spotify, if possible, which is the best Internet based music software to share songs. If you have Facebook, it is very easy for adults to sign up. I will post our playlists online and share them with you once I get back all of your e-mails next Friday. Make sure to practice and be ready to rehearse our new songs together this week!
Songs 1+2
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Pork and Beans-Weezer
Cuts Like a Knife
Band 1-
Guitar-Heath W.
Guitar-Sebastian R.*if possible
Bass-Juliet S.
Drums-Kelly M.
Keys-Nate A.

A Day in the Life-Beatles
Beat It-Michael Jackson
 Band 2-
Vocals-John A.
Guitar-Sebastian R.
Bass-Jordan B.
Drums -Jake L.
Keys-Barabara T.

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