To enable the Rio del Mar After School Program to continue running, we are asking families who use the program to contribute $150 per trimester per student. This is a total of $450 per student for the entire school year. You can pay all at once or in installments by trimester. Without the financial support of families, we will not be able to continue running the program in its current form. Our suggested contribution is $150 per trimester, but donations of any amount are appreciated. Please make checks payable to Rio del Mar Elementary.

Monday, November 30, 2009

New After School Opportunities


Listed below are several new classes that are being offered at Rio del Mar's After School Program. To sign up for a paid class, please e-mail Martin Sweet at: Otherwise, have your child simply show up to the after school at 2:05 pm on the day your activity takes place.

MONDAYS- Starting on November 30th at 2-2:30pm and 3:30-4:25pm-TALENT SHOW CLASS-Students will have the opportunity come up with an individual, or group activity to showcase their talent in a school-wide Rio del Mar Talent Show coming in the Spring. During this time students will practice their performance on stage with sound and get support from Yolanda Beaudoin, an enrichment teacher and camp director at Kruz Kidz.
CHESS CLUB-Come to Mr. Sweet's class for some serious chess competition and skills instruction in Room 12 from 3:30-4:25. Tournaments will be scheduled in the spring.

MATH SPECIALIST-Our Math Specialist, Tiffany Mitchener, is here each Monday working with 4th-6th grade students who need extra support in Math. She meets with students at 2:30-3:30 in the library. (NO CHARGE)

TUESDAYS-PHYSICS/CHEMISTRY/SCIENCE -Starting again on December 1st in the library at 12:15-1:20.
COST: $50-Checks made out to Rio del Mar Parent Alliance

WEDNESDAYS-BEGINNING GUITAR-(Room 10-Mr. McMillan's Class-2:35-3:25 pm for an eight-week session
and INTERMEDIATE GUITAR (Room 12-Mr. Sweet's Class 2:35-3:25 for an eight-week session)
COST: $75-Checks made out to Rio del Mar Parent Alliance

READING SPECIALIST-Is your child struggling with reading? Come to the after school where Lea Robinson is working with a small
group of students to work on decoding, fluency, comprehension and inferential skills each Wednesday from 2:25-3:30 pm

THURSDAYS-Wii Rockband/Beatles/High School Musical-Practice your musical skills by singing to gain vocal/rhythmic skills to try out for the new Rio Rockbands coming in the fall of 2010. (No charge) 5 students each day will be selected after the recess at after school who seriously want to try out for the band.

READING SPECIALIST-Is your child struggling with reading? Come to the after school where Maya Holguin is working with a small
group of students to work on decoding, fluency, comprehension and inferential skills each Wednesday from 2:25-3:30 pm

CERAMICS CLASS will start on Thursdays in January after the break. Sign ups will take place in December.

RIO DEL MAR NEWSPAPER- We will be recruiting Reporters, Editors, Artists, Photographers and Computer Savvy students that would like to start a Rio Newspaper. (Printed and Digital) Our Librarian, Melissa Ramos, with a team of 4th, 5th and 6th graders, will begin this new adventure after the Winter Break. (NO CHARGE FOR THIS CLASS)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Beginning Guitar Class


Rio del Mar’s After School Program will be offering another class entitled Introduction to Guitar on Wednesdays. Mr. McMillan will be teaching this class in Room 10 and it is intended for children who have not taken guitar before. This class will be open to the first ten 2nd-6th grade students who return this form to Mr. Sweet in Room 12 with their parent’s permission. There will be a charge of $75 for this class, which is under $10 per lesson. Please make the check out to the Parent Alliance. This class has limited enrollment because teaching guitar requires a smaller class in order to maximize our time. This class is an 8–week course, so attendance is important. Also, please make sure your child practices at home to apply the skills they have learned. Please bring only acoustic/classical guitars.
• Dates –Wednesdays starting December 2nd – February 10th.
• Times – 2:35 – 3:30 pm in ROOM 10

Description – This class will be an experiential guitar class consisting of guitar fundamentals, playing chords, some music theory, tuning, stringing, singing and a lot of fun. I will be sharing my experience in playing guitar and how important is to me. Sign up and you may become the future Jimi Hendrix!

Please check the after school website for the students’ first 10 names who were enrolled in the class. The extra students will automatically be placed in the next class.


Child’s Name_________________________Teacher________________Grade_______

____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature E-mail

Ryan S. $
Edwin $
Sasha $
Kylie H.
Jordan B.
Cole D.
Brandon P.
Mauricio S.$
Raphael S.$

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New After School Opportunities


Listed below are several new classes that are being offered at Rio del Mar's After School Program. To sign up for a paid class, please e-mail Martin Sweet at: Otherwise, have your child simply show up to the after school at 2:05 pm on the day your activity takes place.

MONDAYS- Starting on November 30th at 2-2:30pm and 3:30-4:25pm-TALENT SHOW CLASS-Students will have the opportunity come up with an individual, or group activity to showcase their talent in a school-wide Rio del Mar Talent Show coming in the Spring. During this time students will practice their performance on stage with sound and get support from Yolanda Beaudoin, an enrichment teacher and camp director at Kruz Kidz.
CHESS CLUB-Come to Mr. Sweet's class for some serious chess competition and skills instruction in Room 12 from 3:30-4:25. Tournaments will be scheduled in the spring.

MATH SPECIALIST-Our Math Specialist, Tiffany Mitchener, is here each Monday working with 4th-6th grade students who need extra support in Math. She meets with students at 2:30-3:30 in the library. (NO CHARGE)

TUESDAYS-PHYSICS/CHEMISTRY/SCIENCE -Starting again on December 1st in the library at 12:15-1:20.
COST: $50-Checks made out to Rio del Mar Parent Alliance

WEDNESDAYS-BEGINNING GUITAR-(Room 10-Mr. McMillan's Class-2:35-3:25 pm for an eight-week session
and INTERMEDIATE GUITAR (Room 12-Mr. Sweet's Class 2:35-3:25 for an eight-week session)
COST: $75-Checks made out to Rio del Mar Parent Alliance

READING SPECIALIST-Is your child struggling with reading? Come to the after school where Lea Robinson is working with a small
group of students to work on decoding, fluency, comprehension and inferential skills each Wednesday from 2:25-3:30 pm

THURSDAYS-Wii Rockband/Beatles/High School Musical-Practice your musical skills by singing to gain vocal/rhythmic skills to try out for the new Rio Rockbands coming in the fall of 2010. (No charge) 5 students each day will be selected after the recess at after school who seriously want to try out for the band.

READING SPECIALIST-Is your child struggling with reading? Come to the after school where Maya Holguin is working with a small
group of students to work on decoding, fluency, comprehension and inferential skills each Wednesday from 2:25-3:30 pm

CERAMICS CLASS will start on Thursdays in January after the break. Sign ups will take place in December.

RIO DEL MAR NEWSPAPER- We will be recruiting Reporters, Editors, Artists, Photographers and Computer Savvy students that would like to start a Rio Newspaper. (Printed and Digital) Our Librarian, Melissa Ramos, with a team of 4th, 5th and 6th graders, will begin this new adventure after the Winter Break. (NO CHARGE FOR THIS CLASS)

Friday, November 06, 2009

Physics and Chemistry Fun with Irvin/Intermediate Guitar

From the award winning nonprofit education foundation, Outdoor Science Exploration/Classroom Science Fun. A top teacher who teaches 100+ popular science classes at local schools every year. Active learning physics, chemistry, biology and geology with our hands-on approach! Essential concepts and special activities Higher level thinking skills. Please e-mail Mr. Sweet at: if you are interested in enrolling. The class will be on seven Restructured Tuesdays 12:15 - 1:20 pm in the Library starting December 1st through February 9th.

Class List as of Monday, November 16th
1. Athena M.$
2. Kourash $
3. Trevor F. $
4. Dana F.$
5. McKenna P.$
6. Ian C.$
7. Dario R.$
8. Gabby R.$
9. Lucas C.$
10. Kyrsta A.$
11. Lyssa A.$
12. Payson $
13. Helen Z.$
14. Carmella
15. Navid A.$
16. Luke S.$
17. Savannah S.$
18. Macie M. $
19. Dominica A.$
20. Talu G. $
21. Ryan B.$
22. Logan S.
23.Jack J. $-Class Closed-Waiting List for next session in Spring
1. Amy R.$

Rio del Mar’s After School Program will be offering an Intermediate Guitar starting Wednesday, December 2nd in Room 12. In order to enroll in this class, your child needs to have had some guitar instruction prior to this. This class has limited enrollment because teaching guitar requires a smaller class in order to maximize our time. This will be a 8-week course. Please bring the guitar by in the morning on the day of the lesson, or they can bring it with them when the class begins. I have a couple extra guitars if your child does not have one. It is important for your child to practice each week to apply the new skills that were learned. Please bring acoustic guitars only and have your child tune their guitars prior to class.



Dates – Wednesdays- December 2nd-February 10th
Times – 2:35 pm – 3:30 pm

Description – This guitar class consists of some music theory, guitar fundamentals, playing chords, power chords and new scales, learning to read music/guitar tablature and sing along with each other. Finally, this class will be taught by Mr. Sweet. You can listen to some of his band’s newly recorded songs at:

The first eight students that bring this form to Room 12 and a check for $75 written out to the Parent Alliance will be enrolled in the class. Please check the after school website to see if your child was enrolled.


________________________________ __________________________________
Student's Name Teacher


Lauren J.$
Johnothan H.$
Will M.$
Ian S.$
Kira H$
Josh S.$
Matthew Q.$