To enable the Rio del Mar After School Program to continue running, we are asking families who use the program to contribute $150 per trimester per student. This is a total of $450 per student for the entire school year. You can pay all at once or in installments by trimester. Without the financial support of families, we will not be able to continue running the program in its current form. Our suggested contribution is $150 per trimester, but donations of any amount are appreciated. Please make checks payable to Rio del Mar Elementary.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Letters Sent Home

Dear Parents,
As many of you know, the after school program sent home letters to parents whose children would greatly benefit from our after school tutorial program. These children are working below, or at the basic standards in their grade level. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to enroll your 2nd - 6th grade child.
Martin Sweet

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rio's Rock Band

Dear Parents,
Our after school program will be hosting auditions for two real rock bands that
will learn and perform 3-5 songs in a ten-week session. This is NOT a video
game. Each session the two bands will divide up with their instructors and learn
their individual parts for the songs that we will be doing. This means that the
first half of each session the two drummers will go with Emma Littlefield to
learn the drum parts, the vocalists and rhythm guitarists will go with me to
learn their parts, and the bassists and lead guitarists will learn from Ryan
Zash and Devin Avey, two members in my band, The Wild Rovers. The second half of
each session we will all come back together to perform the songs as a band in
the Multi Purpose Room.

The goal of this experimental after school class is to give students a shot at
being in a band and to experience the thrill of performing REAL songs for
people. In fact, if you know anybody with band equipment that they would be willing to
donate, or let us use for 10 weeks, please let me know. Students who have their
own instruments will be encouraged to bring theirs each week.

Our auditions will be next Friday, September 26th in the Multi Purpose Room
starting at 2:30 p.m. Each child will need to come with some song, or part of a
song that they will be sharing their skills with. If your child does not make
the first session, we will be having another rock band session in the spring.
More details will be coming soon. All students who are interested should be
encouraged to come, even if they have never even played before. The main thing
we will be looking for is rhythm and students who will practice, practice and
then practice some more.

Please e-mail me if you would like your child to participate in the auditions
and we can go from there. Specify which instrument they will play....Vocals, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass or drums. Choose wisely parents.... You
just might have a band in your garage in a couple months ;>)
I also sent this letter to each class.

Rock on,

Martin Sweet
Rio Del Mar After School Coordinator
5th Grade Teacher

"Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, and lifts it into a realm which
it would not reach if it were left to itself. " ~Henry Ward Beecher

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Enrichment Class Enrollment

Ceramics (Thursdays starting September 4th-November 13)
1. Amanda
2. Sarah
3. Jessica
4. Gabriella
5. Dario
7. Emily
8. Hazen
9. Aaron-
10. Ryan-
11. Brad-
13. Hannah M.
14. Jordan B.
15. Brynn
16. Alyna
17. Logan
18. Tucker
19. McKenna
20. Christian
21. Jessica
22. Sofia
23. Dante
24. Camryn
25. Madison
26. Sky
26. Olivia H.

28. Jack J.-Not paid
28. Jack H.-Not paid
30. Stephanie M.
31. Emily M.
32. Alyssa R.
33. Kianna V.
34. Giselle
35. Isabella R.-not paid
36. Max S.

Intro to Guitar
9/9 - 11/25
1. Graham
2. Krysta
3. Jeff
4. Justin Z-
5. Tucker
6. Sean A.-
7. Jack O.
8. McKenna
9. Andrew
10. Madelyn
11. Michael
12. Ben-
13. Nick F.

Next Guitar Class

1. Allistar
2. Isabelle
3. Nick
4. Matthew Q.
5. Sydney-Not paid
6. Faith

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

After School Schedule

After School Schedule 2008-2009

Grade Teacher Room #
2nd Grade Sandman 4
3rd Grade Egan Gym
4th Grade Miccichi Gym
5th Grade Beaudoin 11
6th Grade Cisneros 28
4-6th Math
Specialist Mitchener 12

2nd Grade Clouse 5
3rd Grade McMillan 16
4th Grade Miccichi Gym
5th Grade Beaudoin Gym
6th Grade Egan 20

2nd Grade Maraldo/Kieval 2
3rd Grade Maraldo/Cisneros 23
4th Grade Beaudoin Gym
5th Grade Borsodi 11
6th Grade Miccichi Gym

2nd Grade Kieval 2
3rd Grade Egan 23
4th Grade Miccichi Gym
5th Grade Borsodi 12
6th Grade Beaudoin Gym
2-3rd-Read Spc. McConnell 16

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Let the Program BEGIN!

Our program begins Monday, August 18th. Please remember that pick up time is now at 4:15 p.m.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

2008 Program

Dear Parents,

Rio del Mar Elementary School's After School Program will begin on Monday, August 18th. Our program will run from 2:05 – 4:25 p.m. On Wednesdays the program will run until 2:05 p.m. The primary purpose of this program is to help students with homework and provide academic support and interventions for students that are falling behind grade level standards.

The program will continue to consist of an hour of tutorial/homework support. If your child completes all of their homework they will participate in an hour of enrichment activities to support student learning. Students are to be honest regarding finishing their homework. If they are not, they will lose fun enrichment class opportunities for two weeks. Enrichment activities will consist of: Sports Leagues, Music, Guitar, Computers, Piano, Chess, Ceramics, Arts and Crafts, Actor's Theater, African Drumming, Games and more! Rio’s After School is an open enrollment program and this means that your child may come any day we are in session.

*For those students who take the bus: there will be a free after school bus that will pick up the students at 4:15 p.m. There will be no Watsonville stops this year and the last stop will be in La Selva. If you have a transportation problem/concern please call: 728-6324.

**Please remember to pick up your child promptly each day at 4:15 p.m. After three warnings for getting picked up late, your child will be required to take the free after school bus home.

*There will be no after school program on Fridays or during Parent/Teacher Conferences in October. Snacks and drinks will be provided each day.

*When school begins, please send a check for $220 for each child to attend Rio’s After School Program. If you prefer, you may send $110 now and $110 after winter break. This fee helps pay for a Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, staff, supplies, curriculum, books, equipment, prizes and much more. Scholarships are available for students in need. This one time fee is a small sum compared to the hundreds of dollars you would pay at other programs each month. Checks are preferred and they should be made out to the RDM Parent Alliance.

J Martin Sweet
5th Grade Teacher/After School Coordinator – Questions? E-mail:

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Dear Parents,
Our program will begin on Monday, August 18th. There will be a couple of changes in regards to the busing at Rio Del Mar. The program will end and the bus will leave at 4:15 p.m. instead of 4:25 p.m. We had to make this change in order to keep the free bus. Also, there will be no more bus stops in Watsonville. A more detailed post about our program will be coming soon. The after school sign-up letter will be sent home the first week of school.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Mr. Sweet
Rio del Mar
After School Coordinator

Monday, April 28, 2008


Dear Parents,
Our last day of the after school program will be Thursday, May 15th. The program will resume next year on Monday, August 25th. At this point, our program will be cut by $5000. This may change after the state budget is clarified. Actually, this is good news as we were prepared for much worse...This means that the fees for the program will remain the same as this year.

Please let me know if you have any questions

Martin Sweet
Teacher/After School Coordinator/Summer School Principal

Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Guitar Class

This will be the final guitar class of the year with Mr. Sweet and will be starting on Tuesday, March 3rd in Room 12 from 3:40 - 4:30 p.m.
Below are the students who have enrolled thus far:
1. Cooper J.- has not paid
2. Kate J. - has not paid
3. Trevor F.
4. Amanda F.
5. Jonathon H.
6. Trevor A.
7. Payson B.
8. Joseph L.
9. Kouresh S.
10. Jorden P.
11. Daniel F.

Friday, January 25, 2008


This class will be meeting on Tuesdays starting February 5th at 3:00 pm in the library. If at least ten students do not sign up, there will be no class.
Here is the list of students enrolled thus far:

1. Rachel S.
2. Sydney R.
3. Elizabeth C.
4. McKenna P.
5. Hannah M.
6. Ben R.-
7. Angela C.
8. Charlotte C.-
9. Eve R.
10. Christian J.
11.Samantha R.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Intermediate Guitar Class + CERAMICS

Here area the students who signed up for the Guitar Class on Mondays from 3:40-4:30 in Room 12 with Devin Avey.
1. Jorden B.
2. Ian C.
3. Jeremy R.
4. Hannah W.
5. Philip B.
6. Dante C.
7. Peyton G.
8. Isabel A.
9. Maya Y.
10. Cole W.

Ceramics Class on Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 pm on Thursdays in the Multi-Purpose Room
1. Jesse A. - has not paid
2. Ian C.
3. Max P.
4. Rachel S.
5. Lauren R.
6. Olivia H.
7. Helen Z.
8. Faith Z.
9. Hannah M.
10. Emily M.
11. Hailey E.
12. Coleman H.
13. Aidan H.
14. Michaela M.
15. Nicole J.
16. Joey B. Has not paid
17. Margaret M. Has not paid
18. Jennah R.
19. Ashlyn L.
20. Hannah M.
21. Emily F.
22. Sophia O.
23. Tucker P.
24. Rhonen W.
25. Kristen C. - Has not paid