To enable the Rio del Mar After School Program to continue running, we are asking families who use the program to contribute $150 per trimester per student. This is a total of $450 per student for the entire school year. You can pay all at once or in installments by trimester. Without the financial support of families, we will not be able to continue running the program in its current form. Our suggested contribution is $150 per trimester, but donations of any amount are appreciated. Please make checks payable to Rio del Mar Elementary.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I'm sorry to report that Rio Del Mar did not receive the Proposition 49 Grant. In fact, no school in the North Zone received this funding. I was informed that our programming will not change. Therefore, we will still have the program in session Monday through Thursdays.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ceramics Enrichment 11-30 Through 3/1

These are the first 20 students who turned in their permission slips. PLEASE SEND IN $20 if you haven't already done so.. This covers the cost of firing the pottery in the kiln.

Ceramics Class Roster
1. Mattison G.
2. Kiana V.
3. Patrick H.
4. Chad R.
5. Rachael R.
6. Logan H.
7. Connel W.
8. Andrew B.
9. Giselle L.
10. Michaela M.
11. Suzy S.
12.Sarah C.
13. Brandon C.
14. Camille S.
15. Max P.
16. Sara R.
17.Spencer C.
18. Ashlyn L.
19. Jeremy R.
20. Mikaela W.

* 5 alternates will be added and they will take the spots of students who are absent more than twice in the 10-week course

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Student Enrollment in Rock N' Rio Enrichment Class

These 20 students will be enrolled in Rock N' Rio Del Mar because they were the first to turn in their permission forms. The next 10 students will be the alternates. This class will start Tuesday, November 14th at 3:30 p.m. in Mr. Sweet's Class.

1. Kylie K.
2. Eric K.
3. Mason M.
4. Stephanie M.
5. Katelin F.
6. Katie O.
7. Meghan M.
8. Christian J.
9. Haven P.
10. Austin E.
11. Brenton P.
12. Maddie S.
13. Tyle E.
14. Hayley M.
15. Rachel
16. Will J.
17. Anna B.
18. Breanna E.
19. Hailey E.
20. Philip Bloom

* Alternates * (Last Enrichment class I enrolled 5 alternates for students who never showed up)
*21. Gwen N.
*22. Shante A.
*23. Clark W.
*24. Austin H.
*25. Kayla N.
*26. Patrick H.
*27. Robert H.
*28. Gabriella P.
*29. Mikaela W.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


If you need to contact Mr. Sweet, the After School Coordinator, you may contact me during after school hours at: 750-7151. The hours I am available will be Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15 - 5:00 p.m. On Wednesdays you can reach me from 12:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Enrichment Class - Exploration of Theatre

Rio del Mar is pleased to have Christopher Wohlters, a Spectra Artist, returning as an after school enrichment teacher. He will be teaching a new class called Exploration of Theatre. A letter should have been sent home to the 2nd - 6th graders. This new enrichment course will be offered as a free class due to the generous donations made by parents this year. However, this class will be offered to only 20 students who will sign up for a 10 - week class on Tuesdays starting 9/19 and going through 11/28. The first 20 students who turn in their permission slips to Room 12 will be registered in the class.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Dear Parents,

---Many of you are having a difficult time finding your child when you pick them up. This is probably a very frustrating situation, especially after working all day long! Our program is wonderful because it gives students the opportunity to choose what enrichment class they would like to attend during the second hour. However, the problem arises when children do not tell their parents, in advance, which class they will be attending.
This dilemma can be averted if you check the website beforehand, and decide which class your child will go to each day. I know you love touring our beautiful school, but this will help expedite the process of picking up your children in a timely manner.

---Please remember that Rio del Mar's After School Program ends on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:25 p.m. On Wednesdays students go home at 2:00 p.m. Please pick them up promptly at this time. If this is not possible, your child may take the free after school bus home.

---Good news! I recently met with Joe Trautwein, the Director of Extending Learning, who generates funding for our program. He gave our program expansion the final green light. This means 2nd through 6th graders will be able to attend each day our program is in session.

---The state is still ironing out the final details for the implementation of Propostion 49. I will keep you posted when I receive details of the grant.

---I am in the process of getting a cell phone for the after school program. This will give you an emergency contact when the office staff goes home.

Thank you for your support,
J Martin Sweet
After School Coordinator
4th/5th Grade Teacher

Friday, August 18, 2006

After School Schedule

After School Schedule and Classroom Usage

2nd Grade..........Jill Egan..............Cafeteria...........Arts/Crafts
3rd Grade.......... Susan Manabe....Cafeteria
4th Grade...........Tammy Dent...... 28................... Knitting
5th Grade ..........Todd Kitch..........11....................Computers
6th Grade...........Doug Kyle...........18....................Sports

2nd Grade..........Jill Egan..............Library...............Arts/Crafts
3rd Grade..........Georgia Griffin.....21
4th Grade..........Erin David............23
5th Grader.........Jeff Bryant............13..................... Yoga
6th Grade..........Tammy Dent........28......................Games
Martin Sweet...........................................................Sports

2nd Grade..........Georgia Griffin....Cafeteria.............Arts/Crafts
3rd Grade...........Erin David...........23......................Drama
4th Grade...........Susan Heffner.......9......................Games
5th Grade...........Emily Friedman.....11
6th Grade...........Susan Manabe.......28....................Sports/PE

2nd Grade...........Jill Egan...............Cafeteria............Sports
3rd Grade ...........Georgia Griffin.....24
4th Grade ...........Jeff Bryant............13.................Computers
5th Grade............Melanie Jaynes.....10
6th Grade............Tammy Dent........28.....................Arts

Theater Arts
School Newspaper

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

After School Update

Rio del Mar's Free After School Program will be expanding for the upcoming 2006-2007 school year! Our program will be starting on Monday, August 21st and will run Monday through Thursdays, as in previous years. In addition, parents will be pleased to know that this year we will be opening up the program to include grades 2nd through 6th each day. In the past we did not provide after school support for 2nd and 3rd grades on Tuesday and Thursdays. On Wednesdays we did not provide for 4th, 5th and 6th grades. At the beginning of the year on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, the program will run from 2:05 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. On Wednesdays the program will be open from 12:05 - 2:05 p.m. This is the same amount of time we have ended the program in years past.

This program expansion is contingent upon the funds from Proposition 49 being released. If this funding is not allocated to our site, the program may revert to what we have offered in the past. The grant also requires our site to average 80 students per day. Consequently, if we do not meet this requirement, we may not receive the grant in upcoming years. At the beginning of the school year I will be updating this blog to keep you informed of any changes. Furthermore, various enrichment classes will be offered throughout the year. These enrichment classes will include: Chess, Arts and Crafts, Dancing, Ceramics, Sports, Acting, African Drumming, Computers and possibly more.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and remember to consider Rio del Mar's Free After School Program when making your children's after school arrangements for the upcoming year. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at:

J Martin Sweet
After School Coordinator
4th/5th Grade Teacher